Friday 4 February 2011

How can software utilities improve the performance of computer systems

Software Utilities help to improve the perfromance of your computer by helping to optimize it. There are a number of different utilities that are provided with the basic operating system, these are:

Disk Check

By running the disk check, it scans the main hard disk and check for any errors that may have occured due to a power outage for example. This improves performance because it is cleaning any errors that may have occured, and is allowing the computer to pick up files that may have been corrupted.

Disk Defragment

The disk defragmenter essentially put files that are stored in different parts of the hard disk back together, thus freeing disk space while speeding up your computer, as what power it was using to find and put the files back together when opening them is now not being used.

Web page cleaner

Often, when you are surfing the web, the computer saves the browsing history to the main disk, this results in slowing the computer down whenever you start up internet explorer, as it is loading all of the previous history, by running this utility, you are removing all of the history that is one week or older, thus there is less history to load, and internet explorer will load quicker.

Temporary file cleaner

When you are looking at web pages, or even working on files in microsoft office, the computer can store temporary files, these could be pasted images, and cookies on the internet. By running the disk cleanup, you can remove these temporary files, and cause the speed of your computer to increase.

Windows Update

Windows Update is normally used to install critical updates, but if you set it to install all updates, and to do it automatically, it can install updates that actually increase the computers speed. This is because they are normally low priority updates, and are not normally installed.

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